Thursday, January 12, 2006

Email forwards

I'm sure many of you will find this trivial, but it is a "pet peeve" of mine I feel I need to share.

We often receive emails that contain great messages, poems, and warm thoughts. They give a feeling of calm and well being and, indeed, are very encouraging at times.

My issue is with the "guilt trip" often associated with these mailings.
Words like, "if you love Jesus pass this on to ___ people" or "if you're not ashamed of the gospel pass this on to ___ people" or "send this to ___ people including the person you sent it to to see how many friends you have".

Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy the content of these mailings and when I get something that arouses my spirit, I pass it on, after I delete the "guilt trip" line. I wouldn't want to subject my friends to forced forwards.

I also have a problem with, what I call, "multiple forwards". That is when an email is forwarded so many times that it takes five minutes of opening each forward before you get to the message. I really don't care how many people have had the opportunity to view the mailing, just cut and paste the content into a new mailing and credit the source if need be. That only takes a few more seconds instead of just clicking the [forward] button.

I just opened an email that was forwarded seven times before it got to me and suggested that I don't love Jesus if I delete it without forwarding it to my entire mailing list.

Way to share the love.

Enough of my trivial rantings.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

What is your influence?

What is your influence?

Is it television, radio, newspapers, bill boards, and magazines? These are among the major channels that Satan has exerted his influence, and one doesn't have to go very far to see the results.

God?s children should never think themselves above reproach. Paul writes, "wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." 1 Cor 10:12.

There are safeguards the Christian can put to use which would make us less vulnerable to the "fiery darts of the wicked." Eph 6:16.

1. Be careful in picking friends, (whether you are young or older.) 1 Cor 5:33 says, "do not be deceived: bad company ruins good morals" (R.S.V.)
2. Keep away from questionable establishments. Consider 2 Thess 2:22, "abstain from all appearance of evil."
3. Do not allow your mind and spirit to feed constantly on the negative things of this life, but rather what Paul suggests in Phil 4:8. Also in chapter two verse five of the same epistle he writes, "let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."
4. Consider your own manner of life, (dress, habits, speech, etc.), we too, are exerting influence to those about us, and God will hold us responsible if we would cause a brother or sister to stumble, or hinder an alien sinner from obeying the gospel because of our manner of living.

So brothers, let the world see Jesus in us, letting our lights so "shine before men, that they may SEE your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matt 5:16.

Brethren, let us always keep in mind, that WE may be the ONLY Bible that people of this world will ever read. "Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, KNOWN and READ of all men." 2 Cor 3:2.

Do you make for good reading?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A Man And His Word

Mat 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Albert Barnes' notes on the Bible tells us that: "By thy words thou shalt be justified ... - That is, "words" are the indication of the true principles of the heart; by "words" the heart shall be known, as the tree is by its fruit. If they are true, proper, chaste, instructive, pious, they will prove that the heart is right. If false, envious, malignant, and impious, they will prove that the heart is wrong, and will therefore be among the causes of condemnation. It is not meant that words will be the only thing that will condemn man, but that they will be an important part of the things for which he shall be condemned."

As men we are always looking for confirmation of our "manliness."
We lift heavy weights, speak loudly, act boldly (at times), etc...
Generally we are looking for respect.
When I hear phrases like, "I can't trust him as far as I can throw him" and other negative thoughts toward men I come back to a man's word.
Can your word be trusted?
Are you in control of the words that come from your mouth?

We live and die by our words.
If your word is true and tried as such, then you are true.
If your word is a lie and tried as such, then you are a lie.
You and your word are one.
Words are the creative force God has given us to shape our world.

Men, we need to let 2006 see our worlds shaped in the image of God.
Take control of the words that proceed from your lips.

Look into God's word and pull out words of encouragement and apply them to your life. Create an affirmation that will remind you of who you are in Christ. Speak it to yourself on a daily basis and see what God can do in your life.

Rev. Frank