"I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have
loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know
that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."
~John 13:34
Path Of Life Ministries was formed to help men get a view of God's purpose in our lives and to help anyone willing, to identify and manifest that purpose in a big way. Path Of Life Ministries' major purpose: TO BE OF SERVICE. To Spread The Word of the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Saturday, May 30, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/30/2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/30/2015
A clean house is a sure sign of a broken computer.
A clean house is a sure sign of a broken computer.
Friday, May 29, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/29/2015
"There are times when we cannot pray in words, or pray as we ought; but our inarticulate longings for a better life are the Spirit's intercessions on our behalf, audible to God who searches all hearts, and intelligible and acceptable to Him since they are the voice of His Spirit, and it is according to His will that the Spirit should intercede for the members of His Son."
~Henry Barclay Swete (1835-1917), The Holy Spirit in the New Testament, London: Macmillan, 1909, p. 221
"There are times when we cannot pray in words, or pray as we ought; but our inarticulate longings for a better life are the Spirit's intercessions on our behalf, audible to God who searches all hearts, and intelligible and acceptable to Him since they are the voice of His Spirit, and it is according to His will that the Spirit should intercede for the members of His Son."
~Henry Barclay Swete (1835-1917), The Holy Spirit in the New Testament, London: Macmillan, 1909, p. 221
Thursday, May 28, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/28/2015
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
~John 13:34-35
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
~John 13:34-35
Friday, May 22, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/22/2015
"The proof of who we are in Christ isn't how many folks have come to the Lord through us. It isn't how much we've contributed to the Lord's work. It isn't how sweetly we've sung his praises. It is, pure and simple, how we have loved each other."
~Gayle Roper
"The proof of who we are in Christ isn't how many folks have come to the Lord through us. It isn't how much we've contributed to the Lord's work. It isn't how sweetly we've sung his praises. It is, pure and simple, how we have loved each other."
~Gayle Roper
Thursday, May 21, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/21/2015
"To be always relevant, you have to say things which are eternal."
~Simone Weil (1909-1943), Simone Weil: Utopian Pessimist, David
McLellan, Macmillan, 1989, p. 2
"To be always relevant, you have to say things which are eternal."
~Simone Weil (1909-1943), Simone Weil: Utopian Pessimist, David
McLellan, Macmillan, 1989, p. 2
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/20/2015
"Better be poor and honest than rich and dishonest."
~Proverbs 19:1 ( The Living Bible)
"Better be poor and honest than rich and dishonest."
~Proverbs 19:1 ( The Living Bible)
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/19/2015
"Our nation is facing uncertainty like many of us have never experienced in our lifetimes, which makes the Bible the perfect place to turn. The Bible is full of stories that took place in the midst of uncertainty. If you have a favorite Bible story, verse, psalm, or proverb, it probably unfolded during a time of incredible uncertainty. The Bible is not a compilation of stories about wrinkle-free lives. Not everyone lived happily ever after. Each narrative, every passage, the things we draw hope and security from -- all of those came from troubled times in the lives of people who discovered that, in the midst of uncertainty, God is still certain.
"In [many Bible] stories, it seems like things had spun out of control, like all the momentum was backward, like all of God's activity had ceased, like the bad guys -- the evil kings, the gods of the pagans -- had won. But if you read them closely, you'll discover that in the midst of that extraordinary uncertainty, God was there. Every time. If ever there was a time for us to pick up the Bible and read it, it's now."
~Craig Groeschel, from the book What is God Really Like?
"Our nation is facing uncertainty like many of us have never experienced in our lifetimes, which makes the Bible the perfect place to turn. The Bible is full of stories that took place in the midst of uncertainty. If you have a favorite Bible story, verse, psalm, or proverb, it probably unfolded during a time of incredible uncertainty. The Bible is not a compilation of stories about wrinkle-free lives. Not everyone lived happily ever after. Each narrative, every passage, the things we draw hope and security from -- all of those came from troubled times in the lives of people who discovered that, in the midst of uncertainty, God is still certain.
"In [many Bible] stories, it seems like things had spun out of control, like all the momentum was backward, like all of God's activity had ceased, like the bad guys -- the evil kings, the gods of the pagans -- had won. But if you read them closely, you'll discover that in the midst of that extraordinary uncertainty, God was there. Every time. If ever there was a time for us to pick up the Bible and read it, it's now."
~Craig Groeschel, from the book What is God Really Like?
Monday, May 18, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/18/2015
"Your home can be a place for dying or living, for wilting or blooming, for anxiety or peace, for discouragement or affirmation, for criticism or approval, for profane disregard or reverence, for suspicion or trust, for blame or forgiveness, for alienation or closeness, for violation or respect, for carelessness or caring. By your daily choices, you will make your home what you want it to be."
~Carole Sanderson Streeter
"Your home can be a place for dying or living, for wilting or blooming, for anxiety or peace, for discouragement or affirmation, for criticism or approval, for profane disregard or reverence, for suspicion or trust, for blame or forgiveness, for alienation or closeness, for violation or respect, for carelessness or caring. By your daily choices, you will make your home what you want it to be."
~Carole Sanderson Streeter
Sunday, May 17, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/17/2015
"I will sing of your steadfast love, O Lord, forever; with my mouth I
will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations. I declare that your
steadfast love is established forever; your faithfulness is as firm as
the heavens."
~Psalm 89:1-2
will proclaim your faithfulness to all generations. I declare that your
steadfast love is established forever; your faithfulness is as firm as
the heavens."
~Psalm 89:1-2
Thursday, May 14, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/14/2015
"Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night."
~Psalm 90:2-4
"Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night."
~Psalm 90:2-4
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/13/2015
"[Nonviolence] is directed against forces of evil rather than against persons who happen to be doing the evil. It is evil that the nonviolent resister seeks to defeat, not the persons victimized by evil."
~Martin Luther King Jr., from his book Stride Toward Freedom
"[Nonviolence] is directed against forces of evil rather than against persons who happen to be doing the evil. It is evil that the nonviolent resister seeks to defeat, not the persons victimized by evil."
~Martin Luther King Jr., from his book Stride Toward Freedom
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/12/2015
"The guidance of the Spirit is generally by gentle suggestions or drawings, and not in violent pushes; and it requires great childlikeness of heart to be faithful to it. The secret of being made willing lies in a definite giving up of our will. As soon as we put our will on to God's side, He immediately takes possession of it and begins to work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure."
~Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911), Christian's Secret of a Holy Life, M. E. Dieter, ed., Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan 1994, p. 134
"The guidance of the Spirit is generally by gentle suggestions or drawings, and not in violent pushes; and it requires great childlikeness of heart to be faithful to it. The secret of being made willing lies in a definite giving up of our will. As soon as we put our will on to God's side, He immediately takes possession of it and begins to work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure."
~Hannah Whitall Smith (1832-1911), Christian's Secret of a Holy Life, M. E. Dieter, ed., Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan 1994, p. 134
Monday, May 11, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/11/2015
"God takes men's hearty desires and will, instead of the deed, where they have not power to fulfill them; but He never took the bare deed instead of the will."
~Richard Baxter (1615-1691), Directions and Persuasions to a Sound Conversion, in The Practical Works of Richard Baxter, v. VIII, London: J. Duncan, 1830, p. 174
"God takes men's hearty desires and will, instead of the deed, where they have not power to fulfill them; but He never took the bare deed instead of the will."
~Richard Baxter (1615-1691), Directions and Persuasions to a Sound Conversion, in The Practical Works of Richard Baxter, v. VIII, London: J. Duncan, 1830, p. 174
Sunday, May 10, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/10/2015
"Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have stripped off the old self with its practices and have clothed yourselves with the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of its creator. In that renewal there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all!"
~Colossians 3:9-11
"Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have stripped off the old self with its practices and have clothed yourselves with the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge according to the image of its creator. In that renewal there is no longer Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and free; but Christ is all and in all!"
~Colossians 3:9-11
Saturday, May 09, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/09/2015
"Consistent dependability is appreciated by everyone. Brilliant display of ability and occasional genius are seriously discounted if the follow-through of reliable character is lacking. Those who are outstanding for courage and devotion under the tension of an emergency and who, at the same time, prove reliable in the long, strong, steady pull are the ones whom great responsibility may be placed with confidence."
~Dr. Henry Brandt
"Consistent dependability is appreciated by everyone. Brilliant display of ability and occasional genius are seriously discounted if the follow-through of reliable character is lacking. Those who are outstanding for courage and devotion under the tension of an emergency and who, at the same time, prove reliable in the long, strong, steady pull are the ones whom great responsibility may be placed with confidence."
~Dr. Henry Brandt
Friday, May 08, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/08/2015
"Some day you will read in the papers that D. L. Moody, of East Northfield, is dead. Don't you believe a word of it! At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now. I shall have gone up higher, that is all; out of this old clay tenement into a house that is immortal, a body that death cannot touch, that sin cannot taint, a body like unto His own glorious body. I was born of the flesh in 1837. I was born of the Spirit in 1856. That which is born of the flesh may die. That which is born of the Spirit will live forever."
~Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899), quoted in The Shorter Life of D. L. Moody, v. 1, Paul Dwight Moody & Arthur Percy Fit, Chicago: The Bible Institute Colportage Association, 1900, p. 9
"Some day you will read in the papers that D. L. Moody, of East Northfield, is dead. Don't you believe a word of it! At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now. I shall have gone up higher, that is all; out of this old clay tenement into a house that is immortal, a body that death cannot touch, that sin cannot taint, a body like unto His own glorious body. I was born of the flesh in 1837. I was born of the Spirit in 1856. That which is born of the flesh may die. That which is born of the Spirit will live forever."
~Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899), quoted in The Shorter Life of D. L. Moody, v. 1, Paul Dwight Moody & Arthur Percy Fit, Chicago: The Bible Institute Colportage Association, 1900, p. 9
Thursday, May 07, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/07/2015
"Christianity is not an argument, and Christianity is not given us in the form of logic but in the form of beauty and love."
~Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941), The Light of Christ, New York: Longmans, Green, 1949, p. 30
"Christianity is not an argument, and Christianity is not given us in the form of logic but in the form of beauty and love."
~Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941), The Light of Christ, New York: Longmans, Green, 1949, p. 30
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/06/2015
"The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights."
~Habakkuk 3:19
~Habakkuk 3:19
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/05/2015
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things
brought together.
brought together.
Monday, May 04, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/04/2015
"Prayer is not a means of laying hold of God; that prayer precisely is not made possible by a system, but, rather, by a free decision of grace on the part of the one who wills indeed to listen; that prayer precisely is not addressed to one who dwells at a distance, but is addressed to one who comes very close (even into our hearts!); that prayer precisely is a miracle and not a technical procedure."
~Jacques Ellul (1912-1994), Prayer and Modern Man, New York: The Seabury Press, 1973, p. 9
"Prayer is not a means of laying hold of God; that prayer precisely is not made possible by a system, but, rather, by a free decision of grace on the part of the one who wills indeed to listen; that prayer precisely is not addressed to one who dwells at a distance, but is addressed to one who comes very close (even into our hearts!); that prayer precisely is a miracle and not a technical procedure."
~Jacques Ellul (1912-1994), Prayer and Modern Man, New York: The Seabury Press, 1973, p. 9
Sunday, May 03, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/03/2015
"It is written: 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'"
~Romans 14:11
"It is written: 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'"
~Romans 14:11
Saturday, May 02, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/02/2015
"Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshippers meeting together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become 'unity' conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship. Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified. The body becomes stronger as its members become healthier. The whole church of God gains when the members that compose it begin to seek a better and a higher life."
~A. W. Tozer (1897-1963), The Pursuit of God [1948], Christian Publications, 1982, p. 90
"Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow. So one hundred worshippers meeting together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become 'unity' conscious and turn their eyes away from God to strive for closer fellowship. Social religion is perfected when private religion is purified. The body becomes stronger as its members become healthier. The whole church of God gains when the members that compose it begin to seek a better and a higher life."
~A. W. Tozer (1897-1963), The Pursuit of God [1948], Christian Publications, 1982, p. 90
Friday, May 01, 2015
Many Christians complicate their relationship with their heavenly Father by not realizing that He is more loving than any physical father could ever be.
All of us need to hear that "still small voice" of God so that we can receive His guidance and know more and more about the plan He has for our lives.
Come and share what God has impressed upon our hearts during the previous week's Bible study. Like a potluck, we will be bringing and sharing the "dishes" of God's Word that He prepared in our hearts. No one is greater of lesser at a potluck; just a loving sharing and discussion should ensue.
Join us as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding the Word of God. The phone lines will be open for your questions and/or comments live on air at
(347) 996-5426. See you there!!!
Many Christians complicate their relationship with their heavenly Father by not realizing that He is more loving than any physical father could ever be.
All of us need to hear that "still small voice" of God so that we can receive His guidance and know more and more about the plan He has for our lives.
Come and share what God has impressed upon our hearts during the previous week's Bible study. Like a potluck, we will be bringing and sharing the "dishes" of God's Word that He prepared in our hearts. No one is greater of lesser at a potluck; just a loving sharing and discussion should ensue.
Join us as we immerse ourselves in the depth of understanding the Word of God. The phone lines will be open for your questions and/or comments live on air at
(347) 996-5426. See you there!!!
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 05/01/2015
"'I am learning never to be disappointed, but to praise,' Arnot of Central Africa wrote in his journal long ago... I think it must hurt the tender love of our Father when we press for reasons for His dealings with us, as though He were not Love, as though not He but another chose our inheritance for us, and as though what He chose to allow could be less than the very best and dearest that Love Eternal had to give."
~Amy Carmichael (1867-1951), Rose from Brier [1933], London: SPCK, 1950, p. 116
"'I am learning never to be disappointed, but to praise,' Arnot of Central Africa wrote in his journal long ago... I think it must hurt the tender love of our Father when we press for reasons for His dealings with us, as though He were not Love, as though not He but another chose our inheritance for us, and as though what He chose to allow could be less than the very best and dearest that Love Eternal had to give."
~Amy Carmichael (1867-1951), Rose from Brier [1933], London: SPCK, 1950, p. 116
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