Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ekklesia Prayer Fellowship Conference Call

Ekklesia Prayer Fellowship Conference Call

As of today, the conference calls will transition from a weekly gathering to a MONTHLY EVENT!

On the LAST FRIDAY of each month we will share and pray for the prayer requests gathered during the current month and prepare our hearts for the coming month with thanksgiving, prayer and praise. As always, we will be lead by the Spirit of our High Priest Jesus Christ in all that we do.

I wish to convey my thanks to those of you who have participated in our weekly prayer fellowship calls. God has definitely graced His Ekklesia with spiritual gifts that are just beginning to blossom. I encourage each of you to continue steadfast in His Word and to study to show yourselves approved unto God. Personal Bible study and prayer can never be replaced by man's interpretation and its accompanying systems, rites, rules, regulations and traditions.

God's Ekklesia has a Spiritual nature, life, fellowship and ministry that has been all but crushed by the weight of the modern day Sadducees and Pharisees of the traditional church. However there is a remnant! Praise God!

The next event is scheduled for Friday, June 25, 2010.
Here's how YOU can participate:
On the LAST FRIDAY of each month, at 8:00 PM CST,

  1. Call: 1-218-339-4600
  2. Dial PIN#: 638537#
  3. Further instructions will follow

Thank you in advance for joining us.

Frank Coleman

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