Friday, April 08, 2011

Thought for today - 04/08/2011

"I know in years past I too have been guilty of these same digital sins against God, my family, and my own well-being.  Now that I see it as a sin that destroys silence, solitude, fellowship, prayerful listening, and meaningfully and attentive friendship, I am deeply convicted that there is a new spiritual discipline of fasting from technology to be mastered.  In this way, we can enjoy the life and people that God puts in front of us rather than ignoring them while we peck away with our thumbs and chat about nothing, which in the end is rarely as important as the people we are ignoring all around us."
-- Mark Driscoll, preaching pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, blogging about his experience of completely "unplugging from technology" (for the first time in his life) while on a 3-week vacation with his family [, 10/16/07]

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