Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How dare we copyright the Word of God!

Did you know that if I wanted to print NIV bibles and send them out, I can’t, without paying a huge royalty fee, it’s copyrighted. Did you know that if I wanted to record the worship music at my Church and give that out, I can’t, it’s copyrighted. My church had to pay a sum of money to be able to use many of the songs we sing. Also, there are divinely inspired ministry tapes that could greatly benefit the Church, but they cost you $39.95 if you want to send them to a friend. A copyright means that unless credit and royalty fees are given, you cannot legally use THEIR material. If we can’t make a song for Lord, or a message to His church, unless we get credit and money, how much better are we than the rest of the world? And who are we serving? I know secular people that do more than that.

Do we believe that we can’t stay in business unless we always charge a profit, and restrict copying? If we distributed the Word of God to 5 or 10 times the audience, would the Lord make it easier or harder for us to stay afloat?

Can you imagine the embarrassment it would cause if a Christian, who was given the divine gift of healing, says “I would love to pray for you, for your healing, for the low price of only $19.95 (check or Credit Card).” We would be outraged! But we do this same thing with the Word of God.
The Church is tied up with the systems of this world, and it hinders the Word from going out. (Books, Movies, Videos, Tapes, Articles, etc.) I’m glad the 1st century apostles didn’t copyright their letters.

Credits to: Technomyrmex of

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