Sunday, August 11, 2013

Obama’s Condemnation of Russia’s Law Against Homosexuality

Reformation Rumblings

F r o m T h e S i d e l i n e s

Obama's Condemnation of Russia's Law Against Homosexuality

Editorial Note— If you will tolerate me, I will veer from my usual
format and take our President to task again. The message below was
posted on Facebook this past Friday, August 9, 2013. I am more convinced
than ever that our country's leader is spinning reality, manipulating
truth, and leading our once great nation in the direction of Hades'
pits. Please bear with me as I tell you my reasons.—Buff.

I assume some of you listened to Obama's long News Conference
earlier today. I agreed with some of the matters he covered, but when he
chided—actually denounced—Russia's Putin and his Legislators for
criminalizing homosexuality, I parted company with him.

Obama's support of America's homosexual movement has driven him to
the point of trying to legislate the moral (immoral?) laws of another
country. If Russia's Putin were to step in and denounce America for
passing laws against exhibitionism and voyeurism, Obama would be up on
his heels and kicking in all directions. Yet he (Obama) has the audacity
to denounce Putin for passing a moral law against homosexuality.

It is none of Obama's business, and he ought to cease involving
himself in another country's moral laws. He is stepping out of his
official loop by doing so. And why hasn't he come forward and condemned
all the Muslim nations that prohibit homosexual behavior?

This erratic and nefarious President is dancing with the wolves.
Yes, I called him "nefarious." Anyone who supports and promotes sexual
perversions, as our President has done and is doing, is nefarious all
the way to the bone and back.

It is crystal clear that Obama and the homosexual community are
pressuring—even attempting to force—Russia's leaders to recognize
homosexuality as an acceptable and normal lifestyle, just as they are
continuing to pressure us "straight" people in America to accept a
sexually-perverted behavior as normal.

This is precisely what immoralists and the community of the
perverted have been doing for decades. Decent people will never accept
sexually debased behavior as standard/natural behavior. And our
President, who is supposed to be a role model for our nation, ought to
make his exit from the Oval Office as soon as practical for parroting
immoral messages to God-fearing citizens.

We have often spoken of our nation as a "Christian nation." But in
this matter, who is on God's side, Obama or Putin? The answer is
obvious. Under Obama, we have tripled our secular/humanist status and
set our compass in the direction of Sodom and Gomorrah. I predict
history will confirm that this President will have defaced and
disfigured our nation more than any president before him. He is at odds
with the God of creation. Which of the following should be recognized as

Obama— "Cultures change as time marches on. Consequently,
homosexuality and lesbianism should be accepted as a natural response to
a person's needs."

God— "If a man lies with a male as one lies with a woman, both of
them have committed an abomination" (Lev. 18 22 & 20:13). "For their
women exchanged national relations for those that are contrary to
nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and
were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless
acts with men (Rom. 1:26-27).

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