Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Thought for today - 12/18/2013

"In Luke 6:12-16, we read that Jesus "called disciples to him, and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles." Clearly the group of people called "disciples" was bigger than twelve, and included both men and women. They didn't just agree with him theologically or philosophically; they dedicated themselves to doing what he did, living as he lived. They literally followed him. Luke 8:1-3 mentions several women who were among his disciples and supported Jesus financially.

"Jesus quit his day job, carpentry, to go into full time ministry. He was poor to begin with, even as a working guy; when he started just being a rabbi, he didn't have any income. Some verses indicate that he was homeless, or at least that that he depended on the hospitality of various strangers and friends when he traveled about. He didn't come to preach to the wealthy, although certainly some people of means believed in him, followed him, even supported him. He came to preach to everyone, and he did not exclude the poor.

"This group of women helped support Jesus. Jesus needed them. He chose to depend on others, which is an amazing style of leadership. What's more empowering to a follower than being needed? Did you ever consider that just as Jesus needed these women to support his cause, he needs you too? I'm not saying this to load on the guilt. I want to give you a glimpse of what an important part you play as one of his disciples. You were meant to shine."
- Keri Wyatt Kent, Simple Compassion

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