Path Of Life Ministries was formed to help men get a view of God's purpose in our lives and to help anyone willing, to identify and manifest that purpose in a big way. Path Of Life Ministries' major purpose: TO BE OF SERVICE. To Spread The Word of the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Friday, July 31, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/31/2015
"Are we doing it? Are we giving the world a symmetrical, authentic, fully-formed image of Christ? There is still time. Spiritual growth is not a matter of chronology alone. It's a matter of spirit. Of heart. Of who you are to the next person you meet. In the next crisis you face. In the next moment you live."
~Lloyd John Ogilvie, from his book The Magnificent Vision
Thursday, July 30, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/30/2015
~Philippians 2:6-8
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/28/2015
"As an act of love, prayer is a courageous act. It is a risk we take. It is a life-and-death risk, believing in the promises of the gospel, that God's love is indeed operative in the world. In prayer we have the courage, perhaps even the presumption and the arrogance or the audacity to claim that God's love can be operative in the very specific situations of human need that we encounter."
~John E. Biersdorf, from his book Healing of Purpose
Monday, July 27, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/27/2015
"I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life."
~Psalm 119:93
Saturday, July 25, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/25/2015
"Kind words produce their own image in men's souls; and a beautiful image it is. They soothe and quiet and comfort the hearer. They shame him out of his sour, morose, unkind feelings. We have not yet begun to use kind words in such abundance as they ought to be used."
~Blaise Pascal
Friday, July 24, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/24/2015
"Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us."
~Hebrews 12:1
Should the "church" have prophets who function like the Old Testament prophets? What do we think about ministers/prophets who give personal prophecies concerning future events and directions for a person's life? Is there an "office" of "Prophet?" I believe wholeheartedly in the contemporary prophetic ministry. I do have some reservations, however, about current emphases that seem to go beyond the biblical description and guidelines for prophets and prophecies. Join us as we discuss this hotly contested "Gift Of The Spirit."
The phone lines will be open for your questions and/or comments live on air at:
(347) 996-5426. See you there!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/23/2015
"Walking in the knowledge of service and love with one's heavenly Father results in a unique quality of nearness to him. There is no shortcut to getting there. There is no way to accomplish it by just wishing it or repeating some simple formula. No relationship is built in ten easy steps, especially if it is going to be meaningful and lasting. True friendship comes from being faithful through the thick and thin of the vicissitudes of life. Fellowship with God will always be threatened by unexpected detours.
"The inherent danger within all of us is that no matter what God does, someone will wish he had done it differently. The gift of faith is precisely what makes it possible to accept that God works in his own way (which is not always our way), in his own time, and for his purpose. It is our assignment to lay aside our doubts and fall in line with God's purpose, always waiting patiently for the last link to fall into place, finding courage and strength to move forward in the fellowship we have with the Father. It was his fellowship with the Father, sustained by prayer, that made it possible for Jesus to move toward the cross when every fiber of his being was urging him in the opposite direction. God offers us this same fellowship with him."
~Ravi Zacharias, in his book Has Christianity Failed You?
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
"I urge you to still every motion that is not rooted in the kingdom. Become quiet, hushed, motionless until you are finally centered. Strip away all excess baggage and nonessential trappings until you have come into the stark reality of the kingdom of God. Let go of all distractions until you are driven into the Core."
~Richard Foster, from his book Freedom of Simplicity
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/21/2015
A remorseful man, wanting to reassure his skeptical wife, said: "I'm
going to make a 360-degree turn."/
David Jeremiah writes: "That's the kind of change a lot of people make.
A 360-degree turn is no change at all. What we need is a 180-degree
change, a reverse direction, a U-Turn.
"In driving, U-turns are handy when we realize we're going in the wrong
way. The same is true in life. The Lord tells us to turn from our wicked
ways and to turn toward Him in confession and true repentance. This
involves a change of heart, a change of mind and a change of direction.
"What direction are you traveling right now? Don't keep barreling the
wrong way. Turn 180 degrees to Christ and start living for Him today."
~(Turning Point Daily Devotional, 7-24-10)
Monday, July 20, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/20/2015
"Every experience, every thought, every word, every person in your life is a part of a larger picture of your growth. That's why I call them crumbs. They are not the whole loaf, but they can be nourishing if you give them your real presence."
~Macrina Wiederkehr, from her book A Tree Full of Angels
Sunday, July 19, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/19/2015
~Philippians 1:9-11
Saturday, July 18, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/18/2015
Friday, July 17, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/17/2015
"That it was a great delusion to think that the times of prayer ought to differ from other times; that we are as strictly obliged to adhere to God by action in the time of action, as by prayer in the season of prayer."
~Brother Lawrence (c.1605-1691), The Practice of the Presence of God, New York, Revell, 1895, p. 16
Paid In Full
This message is being delivered on behalf of The Christian Connection |
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Overview You think you know what happened---beatings, betrayals, mockery, a cross, some nails, and death. But that's just the surface of the story. What if you could get past the commonly recognized pieces of the account that tells how and why Jesus Christ died---the story everyone thinks he or she already understands? What if you could discover the heart, humanity, emotion, and meaning of Jesus' every encounter along the way from Gethsemane to Golgotha? Paid In Full, a riveting account of Jesus' final hours, takes you on a journey that does just that. It powerfully explains the significance---for every person ever born---of each step Jesus willingly took along the way of His suffering, His death, and His resurrection. Noted Bibl e teacher, Rick Renner, draws a brilliant backdrop to the passion of Jesus Christ, interjecting fresh insights into the human and divine drama that took place in Jerusalem more than 2,000 years ago. And as you follow along Jesus' journey that is so vividly detailed in Paid In Full, you will discover an intimate portrait of Him you never knew. You will experience Him in a way you will never forget. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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Thursday, July 16, 2015
Tune in tomorrow night (7/17/15) @ 10:00PM central
Is there idol worship being performed in the modern day "church" today? Yes!
Let's look at what the "church" is putting ahead of Christ.
Lord help us!
"An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up."
~Proverbs 12:25
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/15/2015
"Christ chargeth me to believe His daylight at midnight."
~Samuel Rutherford
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/14/2015
"Your body cannot heal without play. Your mind cannot heal without laughter. Your soul cannot heal without joy."
~Catherine Fenwick
Monday, July 13, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/13/2015
"That [Jesus] should be crucified was a horror to [his best friends]; they would have made him a king, and ruined his father's work. He pre ferred the cruelty of his enemies to the kindness of his friends. The former with evil intent wrought his father's will; the latter with good intent would have frustrated it."
~George MacDonald (1824-1905), "The Displeasure of Jesus", in Unspoken Sermons, Third Series, London: Longmans, Green, 1889, p. 190
Sunday, July 12, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/12/2015
"Surely God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid, for the Lord God is my strength and my might; [God] has become my salvation."
~Isaiah 12:2
Saturday, July 11, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/11/2015
"The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul. If heed is not paid to this, it is not true music but a diabolical bawling and twanging."
~J. S. Bach (1685-1750), Glory and Honor: the musical and artistic legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach, Gregory Wilbur & David Vaughan, Cumberland House Publishing, 2005, p. 1
Friday, July 10, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/10/2015
"The resemblance between the words cosmos and cosmetic epilogue is no accident. Some of the ancients called the universe 'God's ornament,' recognizing it not only as a masterpiece of precision and design, but also of immense beauty. Believers who are confident in their beliefs can see the cosmos as the ancients did as an eloquent expression of a Creator God who delights not only in order and functional design, but also in sheer beauty.
"The awe you feel in the presence of such a massive display of power and beauty becomes even greater when you realize that you were created by the same hand that formed the galaxies. God has shown how precious we are to him by giving us this beautiful cosmos where we can revel in the beauty of his creation. He has also paid us the enormous compliment of creating us in his image and placing us in the world to be his agents, as representatives of his character, truth, and love. This is a worldview that gives our lives immense purpose and meaning."
~Jim Nelson Black, in his book The Death of Evolution
Thursday, July 09, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/09/2015
"Change won't just take all the strength you have; it will take more. You need God's power. Do what you can, and trust God to do what you can't.
"In my second round of counseling, I finally admitted I was a workaholic. No longer reluctantly, I acknowledged that my problem could endanger my health and the well-being of my family. My wise Christian counselor helped me see that I'm addicted to adrenaline.
"Instead of finding my worth in what I produce, I'm finding my worth in who I am in Christ. Although I certainly haven't arrived, everyone around me will tell you that God has changed me. I am different because of his power. My day off is sacred. My time away is consistent. My devotional life is rich. And my family knows me. Instead of working fifteen nights straight, I'm at home six nights most weeks. Instead of traveling nonstop, preaching, I gladly limit my ministry trips to a dozen a year. Like my pastor friend said, 'I won't sacrifice my family on the altar of ministry.' I care for my family and for my body. And God has done more through the church when I've done less."
~Craig Groeschel, in his book The Christian Atheist
Wednesday, July 08, 2015
THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/08/2015
"Pleasure-seeking, as we learn from experience, is a barren business;
happiness is never found till we have the grace to stop looking for it
and to give our attention to persons and matters external to ourselves."
~J. I. Packer
Friday, July 03, 2015
the ekklesia?
Why do we accept some things and reject others?
Let's take a look.