Friday, July 10, 2015

THOUGHT FOR TODAY - 07/10/2015

"The resemblance between the words cosmos and cosmetic epilogue is no accident. Some of the ancients called the universe 'God's ornament,' recognizing it not only as a masterpiece of precision and design, but also of immense beauty. Believers who are confident in their beliefs can see the cosmos as the ancients did as an eloquent expression of a Creator God who delights not only in order and functional design, but also in sheer beauty.
"The awe you feel in the presence of such a massive display of power and beauty becomes even greater when you realize that you were created by the same hand that formed the galaxies. God has shown how precious we are to him by giving us this beautiful cosmos where we can revel in the beauty of his creation. He has also paid us the enormous compliment of creating us in his image and placing us in the world to be his agents, as representatives of his character, truth, and love. This is a worldview that gives our lives immense purpose and meaning."
~Jim Nelson Black, in his book The Death of Evolution

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