Many of you know my stance as it pertains to the Institutional Church and my desire to no longer be ensnared in that system.
My choice; mine and mine alone.
It has come to my attention, of late, that my views have had a "negative influence" on some members of the body and they have decided to no longer financially support the fellowships they attend.
I wish to make plain my views on this subject, separate from the snippets you may see from me from time to time.
First of all, I have no problem with people giving. Giving is the New Testament way of supporting one another. Today's New Testament believers will give "till it hurts" to help our fellow man. I just wish more in church "leadership" would make a distinction between freewill giving and "tithing" as taught today.
The "tithe" was an ordinance given to the children of Israel to support the Levitical priesthood because the tribe of Levi had no inheritance, land nor any other way to support themselves (Joshua 13:33; Deuteronomy 10:9; Joshua 13:14.) Also, according to Deuteronomy 14:22,23,28; 26:12; and Amos 4:4, the tithe was only given every three years. The Levites' only function was the care of the temple and offering burnt sacrifices in the temple. When the Levitical priesthood ended (no more temple), tithing ended. Also, when Christ died on the cross and the veil was torn, the Law was fulfilled and was not to be followed by believers in Christ.
Now I could spend an extended amount of time outlining the Biblical tithe as opposed to the modern day fund raising campaigns disguised as the "tithe," but the only thing I would suggest is that you become like the Bereans and TEST (not challenge) the words and teachings of those that are in "leadership" of the body.
For those of you that gather as a fellowship, in a church building, you know, (as with your own house) that the building needs funds to survive and to continue offering you a place to gather in fellowship. Simply put, to gather in the building and not help in it's support is not a good witness of Christian charity (not to be confused with "tithing".)
From what I've seen among my contemporaries, it has become more and more apparent, to me, that "tithing" (as taught today) has become a do or die test for fellowship in today's "church."
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