Saturday, October 16, 2010

CONNECTIONS Newsletter - 10/17/10

Your latest issue of CONNETIONS (for week of 10/17/10) is now available at:

Here's a little teaser to think about:

by Tullian Tchividjian
I've been called a Twitter-holic. I jokingly tell people that I've finally found my calling-that God has hardwired me for 140 characters. In all seriousness, it's been a huge blessing for me. I love words. I love turns of phrases. I think in sentences. I once heard John Piper say that books don't change people, sentences do. I believe that. I've also heard that the Ancient Greeks believed the goal of oratory was to give a sea of matter in a drop of language. I like that-and tweeting helps me put that into practice. Twitter challenges me to communicate the gospel in concise ways-in short sentences. It's also a great tool for me personally as I've come to use it as a way to catalog my gospel thoughts and quotes. It's become a way for me to "journal" what God's teaching me about the gospel.

You can now find a small sampling of my gospel tweets in the collection below. I pray these sentences would change you the way they've changed me and that the Lord would use these fallible insights to help you preach the gospel to yourself every day:

* The gospel doesn't simply ignite the Christian life; it's the fuel that keeps Christian's going and growing every day.
* The gospel reminds us that we become more mature when we focus less on what we need to do for God and more on all God has already done for us.
* The gospel tells me my identity and security is in Christ-this frees me to give everything I have because in Christ I have everything I need.... Read this in full at

There are many additional and interesting articles here:

Be Blessed.

Min. Frank Coleman

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