Sunday, October 31, 2010

Frank's Desk - 10/31/10

From The Desk of Min. Frank Coleman 
Sunday October 31, 2010

Thanks for Work!

A man got up in the morning, ran to the window, jerked up the shade, looked outside and moaned, "Oh, no!
Not another day!"

Is that the way you feel about your daily work? Is it a burden to be carried until this weary life is over or is it a God-given privilege for which you give thanks?

Is work something eternal, or is your work forever over after you die? What attitude should Christians have about work? Let's look at some key lessons the Bible teaches about work.
What Does God Say?The first mention of work in the Bible is in Genesis 2:2-3, where you see that God worked six days to accomplish His entire creation.

The first mention of work as it relates to human beings is in
Genesis 2:5, where you find that "there was no man to work the ground."

Now, look up
Genesis 2:15, what do you discover there about man and work?

All of those events took place before Adam and Eve sinned, showing that work is not a result of sin but a lasting gift of God.

Sin, however, made work more difficult and less rewarding--but no less necessary. Read
Genesis 3:17-19.

The Bible makes it clear that God expects His people to work. Even Jesus, on the night He was arrested and condemned to be crucified, said in His prayer to the Father: "I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do" (
John 17:4, ESV). He came to earth with an assignment from the Father, and He finished the job.

Paul says in
Colossians 3:23, ESV, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men."

Work will continue in eternity on the new earth with the curse lifted forever: "There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him." (
Revelation 22:3, NASB). To work in an environment of freedom and blessing will be a glorious experience.

With the above information in mind, look up the following Bible passages and write down what you find concerning a Christian's attitude about his or her work.
  • Proverbs 16:3
  • Proverbs 18:9
  • Ephesians 4:28
  • 2 Thessalonians 3:10-13
  • 1 Corinthians 15:58
"Just think, God, the Creator of heaven and earth will be watching over you as you work today. He will delight in every extra effort you make. Then on Judgment Day He will say, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant'" (Matthew 25:21,23, ESV).

Think today about two great gifts God has given you. One is the gift of life--for without that you could do nothing. The other is the gift of strength and skill to do work. Without that, you would have no way to give meaning to your life. Whether your work is driving a semi or praying for others, it is important to God.

Your daily work may seem insignificant, but consider what Lowell Lundstrom says in his devotional book,
Daily Power Thoughts for Busy People:
"Your work is your ministry unto the Lord. Remember that when Jesus was sawing boards in the carpenter shop of Nazareth, he was fulfilling the will of God as much as when He preached the Sermon on the Mount. Your work as a secretary, housewife, farmer, mechanic or whatever is the expression of your love for God. So do your job well. The Bible says, 'Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might'" (
Ecclesiastes 9:10, ESV).

Take pen and paper and write down some ways that you can make your work more of a blessing to yourself and a testimony to others. Give God thanks today for the work He has given you and the strength to do it.


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