Monday, June 18, 2012

Thought for today - 06/18/2012

"No matter what you want to do, wish you had done, plan to do, or fantasize about while you are doing something else, the final reality of your life is how you spent your time. So, one of the greatest structures that you have to build the life you want to have is the direction of your time. Turning your time into a life that you want involves more than time management. While time management tools are helpful (we all need to write stuff down somewhere), there is still a person who has to use them. And in my experience, people do not take enough time to look at themselves and their use of time to find out what their patterns and issues are that are causing them to not use their time wisely."
- Dr. Henry Cloud , The One-Life Solution: The Boundaries Way to Integrating Work and Life

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